
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find lot's of yoga & fitness, natural beauty DIY's, healthy lifestyle hacks and fashion! I hope this blog will leave you happy, motivated and inspired!

much love


You asked, I answer (yoga, how to become a model & staying slim)

You asked, I answer (yoga, how to become a model & staying slim)

I’ve been getting messages on Instagram with questions about my healthy lifestyle, yoga, modeling & how I manage to stay slim when I travel so much. Keep on reading and you’ll find the answers below:)
I think I covered the most important stuff, but I’m always happy to answer any other questions you might still have…

Q & A

1. Question: Hi Nadia, I really want to start doing yoga, but I’m not flexible at all. Can you recommend some classes or tell me how to get started?
First off, not being flexible is a great reason to start yoga! The amazing thing about yoga is that you can modify almost every pose and that you learn, over time, that you’re also exercising the mind (&letting go of the Ego). There is a great quote: “Yoga is not about touching your toes. It’s about what you learn on the way down.”

All photos by Nela Koenig

To begin, just google yoga studios near you. I would recommended staying away from any Hot Yoga/Bikram or Ashtanga studios if you’re brand new to yoga. Stick to classes like Hatha, Vinyasa flow (which is more dynamic) or just basic yoga classes. Check out the schedule for beginner classes or even better, walk into a studio and let them help you find the right class for you.
If you’re not ready to take a public class yet, look for beginner classes on YouTube. There are plenty of great videos that can help you to get a feel for the practice. Finding the right teacher may take a while. So don’t get discouraged or think yoga isn’t for you, just because you didn’t like the teacher! Look for someone who’s voice, pace and alignment cues you like!
If you want to get into backbends and work with props at home, check out this article I posted a while ago.
Good luck and Namaste!

2. Question: I was wondering if you are on a special diet or do fasts, because you travel so much?

Answer: I honestly don’t believe in diets where you temporarily change the way you eat. I think it’s more important to develop a healthy relationship to food. Take an honest look at your eating habits and find out whats right for you for yourself. When I was a young kid I was teased in school for being chubby. That resulted in deep insecurities about my body and weight. It even lead to bulimia which I luckily overcame years ago by changing my habits and mindset. I haven’t shared this “dark secret” of mine with a lot of people and I still can’t believe that I am able to talk about it so easily now. Don’t hesitate to ask me any questions, if you want more on the topic.
I LOVE chocolate, ice cream and potato chips. BUT instead of overindulging until I get sick and guilty I learned to stop myself after a few bites. I also always try to find healthier versions, like baked sweet potato chips, raw almond bars, 80% dark chocolate or dairy free ice creme to snack on. The trick is to not be too strict with yourself or not allowing yourself to have any sugar at all. Because the more you think about what you shouldn’t have the more you want it!


I always carry a piece of dark chocolate in my purse, so I can have something sweet whenever I crave it. It’s much better to have a little sugar throughout the day instead of having huge desserts at night. I walk a lot, do cardio or practice yoga at least 5 times a week, so that’s definitely the main reason why I stay in shape. Other than that, I don’t eat meat or butter, I buy only fresh organic produce, drink a lot of mineral water and green tea (at least 2 1/2 liter). Remember, each body is different. What works for me may not work for you…so start getting to know your own body and notice how it reacts to little changes.
I’ve done only 2 fasts in my life. The first time I just ordered something online. I ended up getting sick and had to get colonic hydrotherapy, because of major constipation and toxic waste build up. The second time was in India. That was not a pleasant experience either and I promise to get into that in a separate detailed India-report;)

3. Question: Do you have a skin care tip for sensitive skin? You travel so much and spend time in different climates all the time. How do you do it?
Yes, flying can be very stressful for the skin. I always carry a bottle of hydrating face mist with me. I apply it during and after the flight, but since I love face sprays in general I started buying different kinds that I now use an addition to my regular skin care. This dry oil is my current favorite! Its made from nourishing organic oils, leaves the skin super soft and smells delicious. I'm a big fan of natural oils in general, as they instantly smooth the skin and don’t clog pores. I also love this one by AMLY. I use it at night over an anti aging serum. Also loving this Glow gel peeling I found at Das Perfume & Beauty. I discovered this great online store for niche skin care products and I can highly recommend it!

4. Question: Where did you do your first Yoga Teacher Training and how did you like your 300hr YTT in India?
I almost feel ashamed about this question. Because I’ve been working on a full video review of my training in India for months now. I’ve been getting so many requests and I promise to have it ready asap. I still got a lot of great footage and pics to go through. But I can tell you that much…going to India was the right decision for me at the time! I wish I could tell you that I learned something new and different from what I already knew from my previous training. But thats not the case unfortunately. Long story short - I expected more from a 300hr YTT and it was also a bit chaotic. But I’ll get into all the details once I'm ready to post a complete review.

Luckily, I have only great things to say about my 200hr YTT which I did at YogaWorks in LA (Larchmont) with Sarah Ezrin. It is a very well organized and structured course, with lots of homework, tests, yoga philosophy, anatomy and alignment classes. I wish we would have had a little more practice teaching sessions, but I guess theres only so much you can cover in 200hrs. Overall I was very happy and can highly recommend it!


5. Question: How did you get into modelling? I want to become a model, but I don’t know how to get started?
I worked at a hair salon after school and on the weekends. I really wanted to go to America and needed to make some money for that. One day a photographer approached me on my way to work and said that I had the potential to become a model and that we should set up a shoot. I was so busy with school and my jazz dance performance group at the time. And I was also too afraid to walk into a modeling agency. But my boyfriend thought I had a real chance and showed the pics to his friend who was a booker at Mega Models in Hamburg. They invited me for a meeting and signed me right on the spot. I was 18 and from that moment on my life changed and I started traveling the world.
I guess the way it started for me is how it typically (or ideally) starts for most girls. You get discovered by someone in the industry. I must admit that I’m having mixed feelings when I see profiles on IG that say ‘Model’ in the bio, when the term “instagram-model” would be more appropriate. The truth is, that there are requirements you must fulfill to be signed by a professional modeling agency and to actually get work/paid as a professional model. It’s not important how stunning you are in real life…what matters, is that you are photogenic, have the right proportions and you must be at least 1,74m (5’8) tall. This applies to new faces (how we call young models that just start out) and I'm not speaking for plus size and best-ager models here. This is something I'm really excited about btw. as it shows how much the industry has changed and that there is a demand for more “authentic-looking” people- also a reason why I’m still working after SO many years;)

Becoming a model is a dream for a lot of girls and thats why some people are trying to take advantage of that. Be careful, when an agent wants you to pay him money upfront for his services. If an agent believes in you, he will advance money for test shoots, flights etc, and then take it off your first pay check.
But to get started, have a friend (who’s good at taking pictures) take some shots of you without make up, hair down, with a natural jeans-and-tank-top kind of look. You can look at some big modeling agency websites to find some references in the “digitals” or “polas” section. Most agencies have open calls for aspiring models. So just call them up or send an email with your pics. They love to meet potential new talents, so don’t be shy!
As a model, you must be willing to travel to foreign countries on your own, spent long periods at a time away from your family and friends, stay in shape, take care of your physical appearance, fights jet lags, be professional and on time, have an outgoing personality, be ok to have strangers touch and style you all day long…the list goes on. Even if you get signed by a great agency, there’s no guarantee that you will work. This can be a very tough business for the soul. Make sure to have a back up plan or something else that fulfills you…and don’t take rejection personal!


Energizing morning yoga

Energizing morning yoga

My first experience at a cocoa ceremony

My first experience at a cocoa ceremony